Arrival & Departure


On arrival, families take their child into their classroom and let the educators know that they have arrived. Families sign the ‘Attendance Book’, on arrival and departure. This assists us to know who is at preschool at any particular time. It is essential to know how many children are on the premises in the case of an emergency.

When collecting children from preschool, families must let the educators know they are taking their child. As well as being an important safety consideration, the educators also like to farewell each child and may also need to discuss something about a child’s day, or let them know some information about the program.

Children are only allowed to leave preschool in the company of families or other person’s authorised to collect children from preschool. Department of Education and Communities regulations do not permit us to let children leave preschool with anyone not known to us without written authorisation from families.

No child will be allowed to leave the preschool if the person has not been authorised to collect the child by the parents.

In the locker rooms of each classroom, there is a whiteboard where the educators share a little bit of information on the program and what their child has experienced during their day. A day book with photos of children’s engagement with the program is always displayed in each classroom. If families require any further information they can talk to their child’s teacher or the Nominated Supervisor.

Parents are asked not to park in the staff car park. It is very dangerous when children are arriving and departing if a car backs out of that area. It is for staff only.