Inclusion of all children and families


Lalor Park Preschool is an inclusive service where all children regardless of ability, culture or economic background are welcome. There are 3 educators in each classroom to ensure each child receives the support they need to reach their full potential. We also have a wide range of educational resources available to support children with additional needs and that reflects a wide range of cultures including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Throughout the year, educators may identify a child who is experiencing difficulty in an area of their development, or be a gifted learner. This will always be discussed with the child’s family and together the teacher and family will discuss how best to meet the child’s needs.  They may also make a referral to see a specialist such as a speech or occupational therapist.

Families who have any concerns about their child’s development or inclusion are always welcome to contact the preschool to discuss how we may be able to support you and your child. We want every child to develop a strong sense of belonging and have the best opportunity to succeed.

The preschool uses ‘KinderM8’, a digital platform for communicating with families and sharing information about their children’s progress and participation in the preschool program.